16 October 2024
What did Mr. Putin calculate when he said he liked Mr. Biden to be US President? 0

What did Mr. Putin calculate when he said he liked Mr. Biden to be US President? 0

(Dan Tri) - Mr. Putin's announcement that he wants Joe Biden to win the US presidential election this year is in the Kremlin leader's `accurate calculations`, according to some Russian media agencies.

(Dan Tri) – Mr. Putin’s announcement that he wants Joe Biden to win the US presidential election this year is in the Kremlin leader’s `accurate calculations`, according to some Russian media agencies.

Mr. Putin meets President Biden in Geneva in 2021 (Photo: New York Times).

In an interview with Russian state television on February 14, Mr. Putin said that although he did not agree with Mr. Biden’s policies, the 46th President of the United States is a better choice for Russia than him.

According to Mr. Putin, Mr. Biden will be more suitable for Russia `because he is more experienced, predictable and an older generation politician`, while Mr. Trump is difficult to predict.

This comment is surprising because the Biden administration has always firmly opposed Russia’s `special military campaign` in Ukraine.

Some Russian media agencies believe that Mr. Putin’s support for Mr. Biden is just a `troll`, according to Julia Davis, founder of the monitoring group Russian Media Monitor.

However, Russian host Vladimir Solovyov said that it was no coincidence that Mr. Putin said he liked Mr. Biden and said that comment was full of `information landmines`.

`They say it’s a troll. No, this is not a troll,` Mr. Solovyov said during the February 14 broadcast of the TV show Evening With Vladimir Solovoyv.

Mr. Solovyov said that Mr. Putin’s comments about Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump contained `a large number of carefully placed information bombs and mines`.

Russian political scientist Dmitry Evstafiev, who participated in the program on February 14 with Mr. Solovyov, added: `Russia is often criticized for its inability to carry out information warfare. We have lost in many cases.

What did Mr. Putin calculate when he said he liked Mr. Biden to be US President?

President Putin interviewed with a reporter from Russian state television station Rossiya 1 in Moscow on February 14 (Photo: Kremlin).

Some Western press agencies also tried to deduce the hidden meaning behind Mr. Putin’s statement.

According to the New York Times, some commentators said that Mr. Putin’s comments were a provocation or perhaps a roundabout way to implicitly discredit Mr. Biden’s election campaign.

But the newspaper also pointed out the possibility that Mr. Putin’s comments were also aimed at controlling tensions with the United States at a time when there are other developments that threaten to exacerbate tensions in the bilateral relationship, such as concerns about the US military’s future plans.

According to the New York Times, Mr. Putin’s comments seemed to be intended to extend an olive branch to Mr. Biden’s administration.

Mr. Putin recalled that when he met Mr. Biden in Switzerland in 2021, `people often said that he was incompetent. I didn’t see anything like that.`

Previously, in an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson, Mr. Putin also limited direct criticism of Mr. Biden and said very little about Mr. Trump, while calling on Washington to negotiate on Ukraine.

Whatever Mr. Putin’s calculations are, the White House quickly rejected his opponent’s support.

White House National Security spokesman John Kirby told reporters: `I think Mr. Putin knows very well what this administration is doing to counter Russian influence around the world. Mr. Putin should stay out of it.`

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