8 September 2024
UK and US will send `lightning` F-35 to the East Sea 0

UK and US will send `lightning` F-35 to the East Sea 0

(Dan Tri) - A senior British defense official confirmed that London will send the $4 billion aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth to carry two squadrons of British and American F-35 fighter jets to the East Sea to demonstrate its potential.

(Dan Tri) – A senior British defense official confirmed that London will send the $4 billion aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth to carry two squadrons of British and American F-35 fighter jets to the East Sea to demonstrate its potential.

F-35 fighter aircraft (Illustration: US Army)

In a speech on February 11 about the new military strategy at the British Royal Institute for Defense and Security Studies (RUSI), British Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson confirmed that the country will deploy aircraft carriers.

Accordingly, Mr. Williamson said that Britain is the second largest investor in the above region and they must show `hard power` to protect their interests.

“British and American F-35 aircraft will perform joint missions on the aircraft carrier.

The British Defense Minister did not give an exact time when they will carry out the above task.

Also in the speech, Mr. Williamson announced a series of new details in Britain’s new military strategy, aimed at enhancing London’s role in the international arena in the context of their departure from the European Union (EU).

This official revealed squadrons of unmanned aerial vehicles  (UAVs) operating in swarm tactics to neutralize enemy air defense systems.

Mr. Williamson affirmed that Britain needs a stronger, tougher armed force to exercise its power and fight against forces that `ignore international law.`

According to the BBC, Mr. Williamson said that Brexit gave London the greatest opportunity to enhance its global presence.

Mr. Williamson’s tough message comes in the context that the US ally is still increasing patrol activities to ensure freedom of navigation in the East Sea.

Britain has repeatedly announced plans to increase operations in the Indo-Pacific and carry out combined missions with the United States.

Last August, the British Royal Navy performed a patrol mission to ensure freedom of navigation when sending the ship HMS Albion to the East Sea.

The British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth set sail for the first time on June 27, 2017.

Lord Emperor


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