8 September 2024
Russia tests `terminator` costumes in Syria 4

Russia tests `terminator` costumes in Syria 4

According to Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, this force tested Ratnik - the military uniform called `terminator` by US media - in Syria.

According to Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, this force tested Ratnik – the military uniform called `terminator` by US media – in Syria.

Costume `destroyer`

The above statement was quoted by Sputnik as Mr. Borisov said: `The latest communication, intelligence, electronic radio warfare systems, modern guns as well as the Ratnik combat uniform, have been tested.

Right before Mr. Borisov made the announcement to test Ratnik in Syria, Russia released a video showing a girl wearing an armor used for Ratnik and easily crossing a minefield without harm.

According to Russian media, the Ratnik costume includes 40 different pieces of equipment such as camouflage vests, body armor, helmets, leg, shoulder, hip protectors, communication devices, viewfinders… The total weight of this armor

Ratnik costume.

The armor is advertised as having the ability to protect up to 90% of the wearer’s body area, against grenade fragments, artillery shell fragments and withstand high temperatures in a short time.

In addition to the full Ratnik set, Russia also has a basic Ratnik set with a weight of 15 kg for non-combat soldiers such as medical staff.

In addition to focusing on developing protective armor, Russia also invested heavily in Ratnik accompanying devices such as the Strelets communication system, which will help the wearer make audio and video calls as well as locate via the GLONASS system.

In particular, the commander can accurately determine the location of the soldiers under his command through a small tablet like a book.

Although Russia started slower, it surpassed the US when it soon launched the new generation combat armor Ratnik.

Since the end of 2015, Russia has begun mass production of this type of armor with a 3-year order from the Ministry of Defense.

America impressed

Despite its many advantages, the Russian Ratnik outfit is still considered inferior to the American TALOS outfit because it does not have an external support frame.

According to sources from the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM), this agency officially announced that it will introduce a new generation of armor in 2018. The new outfit has special details such as the ability

SOCOM is designing a new generation of combat armor to increase strength and protection, helping US special forces soldiers survive in combat.

Currently, SOCOM is continuing the process of researching, developing and testing the new TALOS armor.

According to Scout Warrior, the TALOS project has made steady technological advances since efforts were ramped up under former SOCOM head Admiral William McCraven.

The US military, research agencies and contractors participating in the project are continuing efforts to develop technology for exoskeletons, power systems and enhanced armor protection.

The US Army website says the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is developing a new generation of armor called `liquid protective armor`.

Meanwhile, CNN said that although TALOS cannot help special forces soldiers fly like Hollywood’s Iron Man costume, it is almost like a sci-fi version when the armor has the ability to change from a liquid state to a solid state.

US military officials also announced that the first TALOS armor will be released in August 2018.

Russian clip testing the armor of the Ratnik costume… `not for the faint of heart`:

According to Dong Tam

Vietnamese land

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