18 October 2024
Joe Biden said Mr. Trump `cast a shadow` on America in a `lifetime` speech 0

Joe Biden said Mr. Trump `cast a shadow` on America in a `lifetime` speech 0

(Dan Tri) - Joe Biden attacked `rival` Donald Trump in his speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination, his most important speech in nearly 50 years in politics.

(Dan Tri) – Joe Biden attacked `rival` Donald Trump in his speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination, his most important speech in nearly 50 years in politics.

Former Vice President Joe Biden accepted the Democratic nomination at the party’s national convention in Wilmington, Delaware.

“I am proud to be a Democrat and I am proud to carry our party’s slogan to the general election.

“I promise you right now: If you trust me to become president, I will bring out the best in each of us, not the worst,” Mr. Biden

“I will be an ally of light, not darkness,” Mr. Biden said at the final night of the Democratic national convention.

Media companies simultaneously published Joe Biden’s speech, calling it the `biggest` speech in his political career and the `speech of a lifetime`.

Right in the opening part of his speech, Mr. Biden attacked current President Donald Trump – who will represent the Republican Party in this year’s race for the White House.

“The current president has kept America in darkness for too long.

According to Mr. Biden, America is facing one of the most difficult moments in history.

“Worst pandemic in over 100 years.

Joe Biden said Mr. Trump `cast a shadow` on America in a `lifetime` speech

Mr. Biden stood next to his wife after his speech accepting the Democratic nomination.

Mr. Biden reviewed a series of notable numbers in his speech at the convention.

“5 million Americans have Covid-19.

According to Mr. Biden, `if the current president is re-elected, we know what will happen.`

“What we know about the (current) president is that if he is given four more years, he will still be the same as the last four years.

“Is that the America you want for yourself, for your family, for your children and grandchildren?

Disease control

Joe Biden said Mr. Trump `cast a shadow` on America in a `lifetime` speech

Mr. Biden and his wife watched fireworks to celebrate on the last day of the Democratic convention.

Joe Biden said that if he becomes president, the first step he will `control` the Covid-19 epidemic, which has claimed the lives of many Americans.

“We will never get the economy back on track, we will never get kids back to school safely, we will never get lives back, until they

“The (current) president keeps telling us that the virus will go away on its own.

Mr. Biden spent a significant amount of time in his speech talking about the pandemic, as well as how he would respond if he became president.

“If I were president, on day one, I would launch the national strategy I have been building since March. We would develop and deploy rapid tests with immediate results.

Joe Biden said Mr. Trump `cast a shadow` on America in a `lifetime` speech

Presidential candidate Joe Biden and his wife appeared on stage with vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her husband.

“We will ensure schools have the resources they need before opening safely and effectively.

The Democratic candidate said that the current president `failed` to fulfill his `most basic obligations to the country`.

“He doesn’t protect us.

Speaking about his deputy Kamala Harris, his running mate, Mr. Biden praised Ms. Harris as a `strong voice` for America.

“Her story is America’s story.

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