8 September 2024
Behind Mr. Trump's last-minute decision to stop attacking Iran 0

Behind Mr. Trump's last-minute decision to stop attacking Iran 0

(Dan Tri) - The US newspaper has revealed the story behind President Donald Trump's last-minute decision to stop attacking Iran after Tehran shot down Washington's drone in June.

(Dan Tri) – The US newspaper has revealed the story behind President Donald Trump’s last-minute decision to stop attacking Iran after Tehran shot down Washington’s drone in June.

President Trump (sitting) with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former National Security Advisor John Bolton in the Oval Office, White House on June 20 (Photo: New York Times)

President Donald Trump recently faced a dilemma when trying to figure out how best to respond to the airstrike targeting two Saudi Arabian oil plants on September 14.

A few months earlier, Mr. Trump also faced a similar situation after Iran shot down a US $130 million unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in June.

According to the New York Times, just a few hours after the attack on the US plane, President Trump gathered his team to discuss response measures.

The Pentagon is said to have proposed an attack on an Iranian missile ship.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former White House Security Advisor John Bolton called for attacks against Iran’s mainland.

A list of targets was compiled, but in the end only a few were targeted in case the US decided to launch a swift attack.

Statistics show that an estimated 150 people will die if the US attacks Iran as expected.

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, said that attacking manned facilities in Iran is an inappropriate response.

According to General Dunford, a prolonged conflict in the Middle East will cause the US to send more forces to the region, including Pacific forces, and this will benefit China.

Meanwhile, President Trump seems skeptical about his own decision, partly because there is information that the Iranian commander who ordered the shooting down of the US plane acted alone, and did not receive orders from the government.

Behind Mr. Trump's last-minute decision to stop attacking Iran

The US aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln conducts exercises in the Arabian Sea on May 17.

The US plans to attack Iran by launching Tomahawk cruise missiles from two naval ships.

However, the attack ultimately never took place.

“All systems are on, all lights are green, we are just waiting for orders.

President Trump later revealed the reason for canceling the US airstrike.

“On Monday, Iran shot down a drone operating in international waters.

According to President Trump, he has information that 150 people will die if the US attacks Iran.

Before deciding to stop attacking Iran, Mr. Trump had a meeting with Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

“If you allow yourself to be drawn into a new conflict by the same people who drew America to Iraq, then you should forget your chances of being re-elected,” Mr. Carlson told President Trump.

Instead of militarily attacking Iran, President Trump chose to increase sanctions.

After the attack in Saudi Arabia, President Trump announced that the US was `cocked and loaded` and ready to respond.

Some members of Mr. Trump’s Republican party criticized the president’s weakness in the face of aggression from Iran.

President Trump’s response to Iran in recent attacks has shown his internal struggle when on the one hand he wants to show strength, but on the other hand also avoids expanding US intervention in conflicts.


According to NYT

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